/Easter Brunch/

Sunday, April 5, 2015

I was raised in a Christian household, so Easter is a big deal in our house. When I was a kid, my mom and dad would place eggs all around our house, and my sister and I would have to wait at the top of the stairs while my dad got the video camera running. When that record button lit up, we would race down the stairs to see who would spot the first vivid neon colored plastic egg. After counting out our chocolate and jelly bean loot, putting on the matching frilly dresses, and attending Easter service, we were back to the house for baked ham and deviled eggs. It was a family event all day!.

Well, this year is a little different. We decided we needed a vacation for spring break, and we decided to go to Las Vegas ... (my packing list is provided in this Post). 

This year, there was an Easter egg hunt down by the pool, and I'm listening to praise music while I write this post, and for Easter breakfast I had a delicious Eisenstein bagel; cinnamon raisin with thick cream cheese ... of course.

Listen, change is good, right?!

But in honor of this very special day, I have found 3 amazing blogs to help you plan your wonderful day called Easter.

If you are interested in making the most delicious looking Mini Spinach Quiche, head on over to the Unsophisticcook Blog.

If you haven't thought about what to make for Easter Brunch yet or need new inspiration for next year, head on over to The Domaine Home Blog  for 12 mouthwatering brunch ideas. 

We cannot forget about dessert. Over at the Taming Twins Blog they have created Caramel Egg Stuffed Easter Croissants. I will be making these as soon as I'm done sipping on my lava flow! 

I had mentioned playing music earlier. I am a big Spotify user and I'm listening to an amazing track called Easter Sunday.....here is the LINK.     

Happy Easter
The Mess That Matters 

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