Now What?

Friday, January 20, 2017

I feel totally lame writing this LONG OVERDUE post right after my, Where is the Balance, post about "keeping it together". You would think after almost TWO YEARS of blogging I would have some sort of calendar to keep me on track! This is not the case. I have been neglecting my blog for far too long ( Thank you Uncle Cliff for the kick ) and have so much to share with you that I don't know where to start! Since I left off in September, let's do a recap post!

First... How was everyone's Halloween? I hope it was a Gruesomely Good. 
This year's theme at my school was EMOJI'S
Here is a pictures of my Co-Workers.

We're pretty cool. 
See me..I'm the LOVE emoji! was everyone's Thanksgiving?
Mine was eventful... I starting dating the love of my life around the beginning of November. 
Valentines day is now around the corner, so I will keep him a secret till then but all I can ask is,
Have you every loved someone so much it hurt? Is that normal? 

In true Kalie form for this years Thanksgiving I had a girls get together called .... (Drum roll please)


Which leads me into the final two holidays....How was everyone's Christmas / New Years.

 I went to South America ( which I will make into a lengthier post in a bit) for Christmas and it was B* E *A* utiful.
Here are just a few pictures from the trip!

And spent New Years with this hunk ( Told you he'd be back!) More about him later.

I hope you had fun seeing what I've been up to, and more posts are coming I swear. I am traveling more than ever and finally entering my Senior Year of my BA.
SOOO that means, a lot of traveling tips, pictures and recommendations, as well as organizational tips, breakdowns, and inspirational posts!

Try and keep up with me because Life Gets Messy... and here are the Messes that Matter


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