Renew Reuse

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Not everyone is into second-hand anything. I get it. We live in a world full of new.

New iPhone, new trend, new album, new new new.

I am the kind of person though, that loves old. Give me back the 90's, please. Or better yet, take me back to the late 70's. I've heard stories from my parents, and trust me we missed out!

I have been in a funk lately where I have been caught up in my job(s) and school and overseeing my news production for our school's newspaper and being the vice president of multiple get it, I'm B.U.S.Y!

So when I was walking my two adorable pups and stumbled upon these two delicious cabinets, I immediately got the goosebumps. My boyfriend and I have been needing new nightstands for as long as I can remember but haven't found anything that we liked. (Perks of dating someone who also loves antiquing). It's a process to find the perfect item you're looking for. Anyways I am done using an IKEA crate and him using our dog's kennel as nightstands. It was time to grow up.

So in Kalie fashion, I wanted to take old and make it new.

I had a lot of help with this project and made it into something I wanted. So, unfortunately, I don't have the exact dimensions or step by step directions for this project.
The purpose of this post is to hopefully inspire you to take something and make it into something new.

First thing first. I went to my neighbor who is a carpenter and told  begged him to create these beautiful cabinets into nightstands. I needed the bottom of the cabinets to be shorter and I wanted Devin's side to have a floating shelf and mine to have two shelves.

Here is the THE PROCESS and the AFTER pictures.


The space in the boxes are a great place to have personal items such as Devin's  love for star war trinkets such as these Bobble Heads and his Economist magazines. He found the three picture frames at a antique mall and didn't have a place to showcase them.

 For me, the space allowed my inner minimalist to come out. I have color pencils in a metal pail in scallop from Target ($1 aisle),  a stress free color book from Saks Ffth Avenue, a print of Los Angeles from Society 6, and a scenting holder.

It truly became exactly what we wanted!
Also, the bottoms have a big enough opening that our dogs have their own little dens.

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