Day 3 of 30 Day Yoga Challenge...It can only get better

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Day 3

So, now I understand why the third day is the hardest!

// I apologize ahead of time for my rant //

 buuuuuuut ....I really needed to push myself with this day. It was already a rough start. I didn't sleep well the night before, being sore an all.

I also am a P E R F E C T I O N I S T. I wanted to be as good as I once was and felt disappointed with myself because I wasn't able to hold the poses or straighten my legs all the way during down dog. 


Also, my little fur pups were not helping.

 Que Video --->  

 I know that day 4 will be better. 
 Let me know if you are going through a challenge and how you pushed yourself through that in the comment space below! 



Day 2 of 30 Day Yoga Challenge.....And I'm feeling it

Monday, June 3, 2019

Day 2

Only 28 more days to go.

Day two was filled with difficulty. It was already a hard day at work, and the last thing I wanted to do when I got home was rearrange my living room, set up my camera, and work out for 40 minutes.

I really wanted to curl up on the couch, eat popcorn, and watch reruns of Queer Eye more than a makeover.

Can I get an Amen!

But I showed up for myself, which afterwards made me feel really proud. As I was editing the video, I was able to see that even though I was struggling, I didn't stop. And that my friends..... made me feel proud.

Today is going to be a short post, because truthfully, I can barely move my arms. But I hope that this helps anyone who needs to hear this:


30 Day Challenge with Adriene Louise

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Day 1

Yesterday was the first time I stepped onto my mat in over a year. I was nervous, I wasn't sure if I was ready, but I knew I just needed to start. 

I am currently participating in Adriene Louise: 30-day yoga challenge, which is rightfully called, 
"Dedication."  I am keeping myself accountable and will be blogging my challenge for the next 30 days. 

If you are interested in joining this challenge Click on the link here and scroll down to DAY 1. It is free and she has an amazing way of motivating you!

If you haven't tried yoga before I have created an Amazon List of Yoga Essentials that you can find here:

But if you want just the basics you will need:

A yoga mat

Comfortable clothing

A water bottle

and an open mindset!

That's is really it.

I also post a daily vlog on my YouTube Channel.

My take away from my first day back was, " Man, this used to be a lot easier!"
My legs were shaky, my legs were uncomfortable, and my breathing was all over the place.

But 20 minutes into the 49-minute video, I started to use my "third eye" and see my body. I was able to "see" my abdominal wall and it's 4 sides, breathing together. I was able to see the arch on my feet and adjust them accordingly.

I know this process is going to take a while but I am so excited about this journey


Please use my hashtag #themessthatmatters to let me know if you are joining me on this journey.

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