// Mermaids, Peter Pan, and Adulting //

Thursday, August 18, 2016

I consider myself to be like the modern day Wendy. I know that I have to grow up, but I am holding on to every word Peter Pan has ever told me; To never grow up!
At this moment I am  28 and I've never felt so lost before. Don't get me wrong I like growing up, but there are a lot of disadvantages that people don't tell you about. Like, cleaning the bathroom, or checking your credit score, or one of the hardest realizations that you aren't going to be friends with people you've grown up with... due to life, a job, a boyfriend.
 Regardless, growing pains are a real thing, and I have had enough with them.

I am starting this new chapter of my life with a new outlook. That just because you are growing up doesn't mean you need to be #basic! 

One way I am letting my creative side show is by dyeing my hair purple, cause I'm 28 and I make my own decisions. I've always envied people who had to courage or flexibility to stand out.
 Confidence = Sexy. 

Pintrest has been a G*O*D sent and has allowed me to explore this fun new world of color.

Some of you might be asking, " But Kalie don't you work for a hair company?"
Yes...yes I do, but I also am a teacher so I've never really looked into it! 

So far, this is what I've come up with and am Loving the title:

M E R M A I D hair 

Like this Gorgeous look from Behind the Chair 

Or what about this Tumblr beauty

My Final Look ...done by the amazingly talented ( and also my hairstylist since high school )
 Jessica Lopez

A photo posted by Jessica lopez (@jessicalopezhair) on

And of course if you aren't following me....Do so...you will not be disappointed

Getting older doesn't mean boring...it means that life goes on and to make the most out of it
Love you all

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