Friday, February 26, 2016

 This was my attempt at Zen before I started to plan out my workouts...see how I felt un-grounded hehe

I've wanted to do a blog post for a while about working out on a schedule. For a girl on the go, heading to the gym or even try to cram one more thing into my day seems like that there isn't enough coffee in the world. 
I don't know how you handle stress, but for me there are three phases.

Phase 1) I realize my day is really full so I start talking to myself and try to prioritize my day.

Phase 2) Once I realize I've booked to much, I get many symptoms of a person who is hangry..i.e upset, yelling, snappy..the list goes on for a while so I'll spare you.

Phase 3) This is the point where I give up completely on life, I cry and watch Netflix..because what else do you do you when you've given up on life...hello

WELL no more! I have a new method to my madness..Ever since I got my Erin Condren Planner (click here for blog post) , I can see clearly now..the stress is gone!

Here is Kalie's Top 5 ways to incorporate working out into your schedule. 

1) Always plan a week in advance. I am not a fan of "planning as I go". I have a set schedule for my week which makes this a little bit easier, but I always plan on Sunday for the following week. This is when I do my meal prepping as well, cause Gurl bikini season is just around the corner. 

2) Chose only 3 days that you are going to work out. Monday, Wednesday, Friday/// Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. You chose, that way you aren't going to burn yourself out. 

3) It's OK..(clear throat) I repeat.. OK if you only workout of 30 minutes. I don't understand why people need to work out of 1-2 hours. Just relax..unless you are training for a marathon or are in a bikini competition you don't need to seriously pump iron.
4) Make your hobby a workout. I love yoga, and have been practicing for 6 years. I'm not an expert and still need help with my Warrior I at times, but I enjoy it.  It makes workout and strengthening my body that much easier. My mentor, if I can call her that is named Adriene Mishler. She is that master mind behind Yoga with Adriene.. If you don't know now you know. FOLLOW HER!! I seriously never though I would love yoga as much as I do, and it's all thanks to her. She is from Austin, TX and makes you feel more like a friend than a struggling wanna-be.


5) ADD FRIENDS...always ask your friends if they want to work out with you. A girlfriend and I just started Barre Releve (Click here for a Groupon...cause who doesn't like a deal).
I couldn't survive the class if it wasn't for her support! 

Well there you go my friends. I hope this post helps you organize your workout schedule a little better, cause we all know...life gets messy, but here are the messes that matter!



Thursday, February 11, 2016

The time has come for the single ladies to march and the bae and baes of the world to wine and dine!
Whatever your relationship statue is, it never hurts to know how to cook a lovely meal! 
This is a quick post because you, my friend, have some shopping to do. 
I have complied all the Pinterest boards I could think of here! It's called V-DAY or D-DAY.

///Perfect Planner///

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Life gets messy...but here is the planner to help you clean it up!

Going with the theme of this year, it was out with my old Target planners, and in with the new Erin Condren planner.

Now before you think I've turned my back to my beloved Target....this change was done with A LOT...A LOT of research. My planner is as important to me as my phone. It is where I can track what I eat, where I need to go, what deadlines I have, doctor appointments, friend dinners, work trips, just for fun trips, and my budget. I couldn't function properly if it was lost.
These planners are pretty expensive but well worth it if used properly. Normally they average $50 but you can use this referral link to create an account and get $10, which is definitely worth doing.

I even ordered my teachers planner as well, but that's a different post entirely! 

I just wanted to share some photos of  the hourly planner so that if you, like myself, are researching for a new one....hopefully this post will help!

I can say that I love how small it is. I can just throw it right into my tote bag and be on my way.

The introduction page make it feel very clean and crisp and she included 2017 on the calendar's page so that you are extra prepared!

My favorite feature is the sturdy...laminated tabs for the month! 

I created this Key to help me organize even more
All important events are in RED
My TO-DO or Done are in PINK..(Done: is highlighted in Pink)
My class schedule is in PURPLE
Any paperwork I have to do is in GREEN
Friends and Family is SOCIAL and is in LAVENDER
Doctor appointments are in BLUE
Birthdays are in GOLD.. (Cause hello...it's your birthday!)
Blog posts are in LIME GREEN 
and anything I might of missed is in ORANGE

She includes the clip to place it in your planner :) 

They have also included these wonderful sticker...post it.... type reminders for all your important dates.
  • Doctor Apts
  • Birthdays
  • Hair Appointments
  • Mani/ Pedi's

are no match for you! 

They've even attached two sheet of DIY stickers for you write whatever life throws at you.

I hope this helps, even a little, about what kind of planner you should get! 

and don't forget to get your $10 here <3


and if you need anymore convincing....check out her Youtube video below 

/// 2016 ///

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The word around town is "New Year, New Me", and even though we are now into February,  I feel like the mantra is still going strong. I have talked to multiple people who, like myself, feel different this year. That the last couple years have been challenging, but I finally feel at peace and good karma is finally catching up with me.

So many wonderful changes have happened to me just in the last month!
  •  I am offically the Social Media Manager for my college, CSU Dominguez Hills...Go Toros!
  • I am also The Web Manager for our Online Newspaper...The Bulletin!

  • This year I will be traveling more with Olivia Garden as their Lead Traveling Rep!

  • AND FINALLY....being a mom to this cutie!  

Try and keep up with this girl cause life gets messy.....but here are the messes that matter! <3

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