/Cigs + Coffee/

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

I was a smoker for 10 years. I loved it! I loved the image of smokers, the relaxing puffs while sipping my morning coffee, how I could get out of any situations because I "needed to have one".
Well, that time has come and gone.
 As I am closing in on my thirties I have realized that my party days are over. I don't need to tell you how gross cigarettes are and  I've been dreaming of the woman I would be when I quit; Athletic is the word that always came to my mind. More specifically, running. I told myself I would run all the time when I quit. 

Well, this Friday will be a month of being smoke-free. I am so happy to close this chapter of my life. 
The idea of writing this post is because I've gone through a lot these last four weeks and hope I can be the voice of reason or a helping hand if you're trying to quit or have thought about quitting.

Here are the 5 things I've learned while putting out the cig for good.

I have been told that it will take time for me to feel like myself again. I've lost my best friend, my other half, the thing that has been with me for almost half my life. 
 In the beginning of the month I was very optimistic about quitting. I would handle my cravings like a champ by holding a pencil, chewing gum, or going for a walk. Well, that all change after the second week. I knew that there were other withdraw symptoms besides irritability and mood swings.  I had no idea that anxiety was one of the withdraw symptoms. But it's true, by the second week I started getting anxious,not wanting to go anywhere (which is very unlike me), and cried all the time. I had to ask myself "What is wrong with me?" 
If this is happening to you ; DON'T WORRY, IT IS TOTALLY NORMAL!
By the second week your body is still trying to figure out how to calm itself down.  You no longer have a crutch to hold onto in a stressful moment  and are now working through them organically.
I can tell you that my anxiety has lessened tremendously in the last week and it only get's easier. 

 I'm telling the truth when I say I've actually Googled different hobbies because I didn't know how to have one. I loved to work but knew that it couldn't be my hobby. So I thought about things that made me happy. I loved cooking, and watching movies, and organizing. Well, boom. there are three hobbies right there! What I am saying that during this tough time, find things that make you happy and do them everyday!

It's really exciting to look back to my first days of not smoking and see how far along I've come. It gives me the motivation I need to keep going. I keep my journal on my side table and before bed I write down my goals, dreams, sketches, and amazing occurrences of the day. If you don't have a journal/ diary.....buy one!
 Its free therapy!

I can not stress this point the most!! Either through a professional website like http://www.nobutts.org/ or find a therapist who will help you through the hard moments and will cheer you on during your victories. You've heard that quitting smoking is harder that heroin. HEROIN!!!! People go to rehab for that! Meanwhile you are still suppose to go along like everything is fine in your everyday life. You're doing great! How I think about it is when you seek wise counsel, you in turn become wise. Find someone to talk to about any struggles you might be having with quitting. It will make you stronger in the end, I promise you.

I read this poem the other day that I want to share with you. I helped me out so much thus far and hope it helps you to:

whatever you are doing right now. 
take a deep breath, than another.
you are so beautiful.
has anyone told you that lately?
and there's something more important.
you're strong.
sometimes it feels like you're not.
maybe even most the time.
but please don't ever forget.
you're stronger than you know.
everyday, you wake up, no matter what, no matter what you've gone through
you wake up in the morning, take a second and appreciate that, after all these 
years, you still have hope.
maybe it's buried inside you.
maybe that sounds ridiculous.
but you keep going every goddamn day.
and that makes you incredible
but breath today, breath right now
sometimes things are too much
and I want you to know that's okay
there will be times when you want to break down and cry, sometimes when you want to fall asleep
and never ever wake up again
that doesn't make you weak
it makes you human
and that's beautiful, too
after all that you've been through, you can still feel 
never underestimate that
because you know what that means?
there's hope
It means that you'll feel love and happiness, it means you'll feel pride and joy
It means you're still alive, but more than that, it means you're still living
Stay strong
Stay beautiful
never stop feeling
and sometimes all you need to do it Breath! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Such great inspiration and motivation!! You can call ME to chat any time! ;)


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